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Great Days Out! - 4a on language course in Altenmarkt
On Monday 23rd September we arrived at Ennshof in Altenmarkt. There our two langugage teachers, Fiona and Edel from Ireland were already waiting for us.
After lunch, we had a look around the house and then we started our first English lessons. It was great fun because we played a lot of games.
In the evening we went for a walk through the village centre of Altenmarkt, then straightaway back home to bed because it was an exhausting and exciting day.
On Tuesday morning we were woken up at half past seven for breakfast. After studying we took part in a treasure hunt, where we had the chance to explore Altenmarkt on our own. Some questions were really tricky and some places really hard to find. But we managed it well and looked forward to the quiz show in the evening. Mrs Pointner and Ms Schwarz were really impressed by our knowledge.
On Wednesday we started the day with a lovely breakfast again to be fit for the language course with Fiona and Edel.
Because the weather was so nice that day, some boys risked a jump into the pool, which was extremely refreshing.
After lunch we prepared for a hiking trip up the Altenmarkt mountains. On top we stopped for a bite to eat and for enjoying the amazing view.
In the evening we played a lot of different games, which demanded teamwork, sportiness and great skill. This was really a challenge for us all.
Thursday morning the weather changed but it was not the end of the world because after studying and receiving our certificates we finally set off for the visit to the spa. The brave ones amongst us tried a ride on the fastest looping water slide which was a really thrilling experience. After having fun at the in-house disco we were very reluctant to go to bed. This week was absolutely great!